About us
At Carers Matter Norfolk, our vision is to create a world where carers are recognised, supported, valued, and empowered to care with confidence and improve their health and wellbeing.
Who We Are
I am facing some challenges whilst caring for a family member. In particular some differences in opinion from another member of the family. This adds extra pressure to an already difficult situation. The practitioner was able to sign post the best services to support decision making and give me the confidence to continue to ensure my family member is getting everything they need. I was also appreciative of the opportunity to discuss my own needs, and it was useful to reflect on my own wellbeing. Thank you, you were brilliant. I would not hesitate to recommend your service. In fact, I have already done so.
Carers Matter Norfolk is a partnership of organisations led by Bridges Outcome Partnerships. The other partners are Caring Together, Voluntary Norfolk.
Carers Matters Norfolk is the umbrella brand for the services. Supporting Unpaid Carers in Norfolk contract, funded by Norfolk County Council and Norfolk’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.
Carers Matter Norfolk is delivered as an integrated service across all partners with a single management team and one database.
How we can help you
Carers Matter Norfolk is the countywide service funded by Norfolk County Council and the NHS to provide support to unpaid carers. All services are free and available to people aged 18+ caring for someone aged 18+.
Support is available to those caring for someone living in Norfolk, whether the carer lives in the county or elsewhere (caring at a distance). Carers Matter Norfolk is a Carer-led service, putting you at the heart of everything that we do. The service offer is flexible in approach and tailored to meet what matters to you as an individual carer.
We can complete a Carers Assessment at a time that suits you. This is a strengths-based tool, which helps to establish the impact your caring role has on you, to identify what you might like to achieve, and to ascertain what support is available to help you better manage.
During the assessment you will have the opportunity to discuss various topics, including: your health and wellbeing, employment, finances, accommodation, time for yourself, safety concerns, and your networks of support.
From this, a support plan will be developed that focuses on the outcomes that you want to achieve. Carers Matter Norfolk can provide you with information, advice, listening and practical support, advocacy and representation (only where you can’t advocate for yourself), education and training support.
Who is a carer?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who would not be able to cope without this support, due to illness, disability, mental ill health or an addiction .
With the unpaid care provided by the nations’ carers currently worth an estimated £162bn per year- considerably more than total spending on the NHS in England- caring can affect anyone, at anytime in their lives, no matter who they are or what they do.
Caring can have a big impact on everyday life, and each day, thousands struggle to get the support that they desperately need.
Carers Matter supported me when I was going through difficulties with a loved one, with dementia. They supported me to get carer’s allowance and put me forward for the Norfolk Millennium fund which allowed me to have reflexology.

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