Published 2nd May 2023 by

Are you caring for a family member or friend who could not cope without your support, this could be due to illness, disability, mental ill health or an addiction?

Care for Carers, a carers group support association along with Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, invite you along to their ‘Carers Information Day’ on Monday 5 June, 9.00am to 3.00pm at the Norwich Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1TF.

Caring Together’s awareness team and other relevant organisations will be there to offer you information and advice to support you in your caring role.

If you require transport to the event, Norwich ‘Door to Door’ community transport may be able to help. To book transport in advance of the event, call them on 01603 776735 or email

For further information about the event call Care for Carers on 0300 777 8880 or email