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An advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of another person, especially in a legal context. They can support you in finding out about your rights as a carer and help you to resolve issues.

Norfolk County Council has a duty under the Care Act to arrange an independent advocate for anybody who has substantial difficulty in being fully involved in their care or support arrangements and where there is no appropriate individual available to support and represent a person’s wishes.

NHS Complaints Advocacy Service

The NHS Complaints Advocacy service can help you if you are unhappy with the service you have received from the NHS, including services, care or treatment provided by a doctor, dentist, hospital, ambulance service or pharmacy. The service is free, confidential and independent of the NHS.

POhWER has been working in Norfolk since 2003, they work in partnership with Age UK Norfolk and Equal Lives to support people in Norfolk.

POhWER offer the following services in Norfolk:
NHS Complaints Advocacy
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
Advocacy under the Care Act
POhWER Telephone Number: 0300 456 2370