Find out for more information on safeguarding adults and how to report a concern.
Safeguarding referrals can be made by either calling 0344 800 8020 or if the person is not at immediate risk of harm, completing an online form.
The following links also contain a wealth of information
- The Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board provides useful advice and information about safeguarding vulnerable adults.
- Norfolk Police also have useful advice and information regarding this matter.
The following National & Local Support is also available in respect of domestic abuse
- Women’s Aid – 24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
- Refuge – National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or contact the helpline via Refuge’s contact form at
- GALOP (LBGT) – 0800 999 5428
- Mankind Initiative – Male Victims – 01823 334244
- Men’s Advice Line – Male Victims – 0808 801 0327
- Respect – Working with abusers to change their behaviour and male victims of domestic abuse – 020 3559 6650