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Free training for carers

Adult Learning are delivering an online course

Carers Identity Passport

In order to help support carers, a Carers Identity Passport....

Carer Money Matters

Are you a carer aged 16-25 in Norfolk? Then Carer Money Matters is here to support you!

Caring for anyone who has cancer

Are you caring for anyone who has cancer or is recovering from cancer?

Book your Carer’s Assessment?

This is your opportunity to discuss with Carers Matter Norfolk what support or services you need.

Suspicious scam call?

Suspicious scam call? Stop, hang up, call 159

Phone digital switchover

The technology that we currently use to make landline phone calls is being upgraded

Winter Slipper Swap launches

The Winter Slipper Swap will be happening at various libraries across the county

Plan for the unexpected

By planning ahead for emergencies, you can reduce worry

Equipment loan for people with Motor Neurone Disease

The MND Association can provide loans of items