Some carers, and the people they care for, experience discrimination or harassment because of their age, disability or caring role; or for other reasons such as race, sex or sexual orientation. Discrimination could affect your ability to work, get involved in leisure activities or use services that should be available for everyone.

If you’re looking after someone who is elderly or disabled the law will protect you against direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities. This is because you are counted as being “associated” with someone who is protected by law because of their age or disability.

As a carer, being aware of your rights and those of the person you care for can help you both get fair access to things most people take for granted.

The Equality Act can protect you as a carer

  • In the workplace
  • When shopping for goods and services
  • In education
  • With housing
  • Using facilities like public transport, taxis, cafes, cinemas, restaurants etc.

Further information on how the Equality Act affects you as a carer has been produced by the Citizens Advice Bureau and can be downloaded here.