Published 21st January 2022 by

Carer’s passports are available to carers in Norfolk. Caring Together have joined with Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney for an online workshop to tell you what they are and how you can get involved.

Carer’s passports are way to help improve identification and support for carers, they also stop you from having to tell your story over and over to different professionals – whether it be in hospital, or your local GP.

Caring Together have joined with Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney to work on the project on behalf of the Integrated Care System, which involves working with carers and organisations to develop carers passports across the integrated care system, particularly health. The Carer’s passports project is aimed at carers of all ages.

As part of this work, they are holding a joint virtual event with Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney on Wednesday 9 February, 2.00pm – 4.00pm.

If you are a carer, or work for an organisation who come into contact with carers, come learn more and find out how you can get involved.

To book your place email,