Published 31st May 2024 by

Across Norfolk more than 80,000 of us are looking after a family member or friend who would struggle to cope without our help. And with Carers Week taking place from 10-16 June, we at Carers Matter Norfolk are telling unpaid carers in the county, “We’re here to help you.”

We may be caring for someone because of long-term illness, frailty, disability, poor mental health or addiction. Being a carer can be hugely demanding. Carers Week aims to raise awareness of caring, and to help people realise they are carers, so they can get much-needed support.

Vicky Jones, programme director of Carers Matter Norfolk, said, “Any of us can become a carer at any time. Without the right support, caring for someone can have an impact on everything from our health to our finances or our mental wellbeing.

“But knowing where to go for help, and getting the right support for you, makes a huge difference.

“Every month our team at Carers Matter Norfolk hear from hundreds of people who are caring for someone. They can tell us about their situation, and we give them the advice and support that is relevant to them.

“Three in four of us who are looking after someone don’t think of ourselves as a carer. Until they have been in touch with us, many carers have had no idea what support is available to them.”

People who have contacted Carers Matter Norfolk have said how they have valued the support and advice they have been given. Carers have recently said:

“Carers Matter has helped me substantially by giving me help when I most needed it and by offering information and support that was invaluable.”

“I came off the phone feeling so relieved that finally someone could “understand” my situation and actually listened to me instead of me coming up against a brick wall.”

“Sometimes just having someone to talk to can make a big difference, and I felt listened to throughout… You are such a valuable service that I will recommend to all other carers I meet.”

Caring for someone may take a few hours a week or 24 hours a day. Some carers live with the person they are caring for, others do not. And an unpaid carer may be looking after more than one person.

The type of support provided by unpaid carers includes:

  • Helping someone wash, get dressed or with other personal care.
  • Doing housework, washing, or shopping.
  • Picking up and administering medication.
  • Taking someone to medical appointments, or helping them arrange support.
  • Giving company and emotional support.

If you are caring for another adult in Norfolk, you can contact us Carers Matter Norfolk by using our online form to tell us about the support you need, by emailing or calling 0800 083 1148.