Published 13th May 2022 by

In the run up to Carers Week (6 – 12 June), if you are caring for a family member or friend, we invite you to join Caring Together, Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney and the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership for a virtual conference on the theme of ‘making caring visible, valued and supported.’

This Carers Week conference is being held on Wednesday 8 June 2022, which will cover a range of topics in line with the theme.


9.45am-10am – Introduction

10am-11am – Carers passport

11am-12pm – Effects of caring on mental health

12pm-1pm – Break

1pm-2pm– Carer involvement in discharge

2pm-3pm – Effects of the COVID pandemic on carers

3pm-3pm – Next Steps and Closing

The Carers Week conference is for both carers and health professionals. If you are interested in attending the conference, email, to express your interest, and to ensure you get the latest information including details of the sessions.